Non-profit looking for family of woman killed in Walker crash |

2022-09-03 11:38:35 By : Peter zhang

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WALKER, Mich. — Walker Police Department confirmed the identity of the woman killed after being hit by a car September 1, Thursday morning. 71-year-old Laurie Bos was struck while crossing Lake Michigan Drive Northwest.

"Laurie was a gentle soul, a sweet, tiny lady that was so grateful to us," says Coleen Davis, the Executive Director for Renew Mobility. 

She was crossing the street on a motorized scooter, which she got from Renew Mobility. Now, Coleen says Laurie was one of her first clients.

"She would call me Miss Coleen," she says. "She was very respectful and very kind and I'm going to miss the calls and the visits and just Laurie's spirit."

Coleen got to know Laurie almost seven years ago when she didn't have a home. A few years ago, Laurie got a place in Walker. 

"She was living downtown in the streets of Grand Rapids and needed a scooter for health reasons," Coleen says. "What Laurie really loved was her freedom and independence. So if her batteries went down, when Lori couldn't get out, she was calling us for help."

Coleen says the Kent County Medical Examiner's office has yet to get ahold of any of Laurie's family since her death, which worries Coleen. "We want to have that respect for her at the end of her journey," she says. 

Coleen hopes that more people take a few extra seconds behind the wheel to look around for those getting around, like Laurie. "We don't want anyone to die tragically," she says.

Those who know any more information about Laurie Bos are encouraged to contact Renew Mobility at (616) 291-8359 or the Kent County Medical Examiner's Office at (616) 632-7247. 

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